MamyPoko Pants Extra Absorb Diapers Monthly Pack, Medium (Pack of 114)

MamyPoko Pants Extra Absorb Diapers Monthly Pack, Medium (Pack of 114)

About the Product:

MamyPoko Pants has crisscross absorbent sheet, which has the capacity to absorb up to 7 glasses of urine whilst spreading it equally to prevent heaviness, MamyPoko Pants Extra Absorb gives your child the comfort they need. This comfort is supplemented by the diaper’s stretchable thigh support, which prevents gaps between the diaper and the baby's thighs, preventing leakage; hence giving the mother and the baby a peaceful and sound sleep.

Product description:

  • Crisscross Absorbent Sheet spreads 7 Glasses of urine equally on the diaper and doesnot make the diaper look heavy, so the diaper lasts up to 12 hours . The hours vary according to individual baby’s urine amount.
  • Diaper does not get heavy because urine does not get collected at one place because of its crisscross absorbent sheet
  • It has stretchable thigh support which prevents thigh gaps and hence prevents leakage
  • Its breathable cotton like cover prevents stuffiness even when used for long hours
  • It comes with cute poko chan designs
  • It is easy to wear
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